Estudo de caso Prática Klimaquip


  • Matheus Costa Pereira Universidade Federal de Itajubá - Unifei
  • Paulo Sérgio Ferreira UNA Pouso Alegre
  • Lyncoln Almeida de Rezende UNA Pouso Alegre
  • Alex Geovani de Souza UNA Pouso Alegre
  • Marcelo Pereira Martins UNA Pouso Alegre
  • Pedro Jose Papandrea Brasil Educação S/A


Ventilador Centrífugo, Análise Fluidodinâmica, CFD, Análise CAE, Fornos


With the project development, the objective is to meet the technical specifications for the creation of a robust, efficient, and cost-effective centrifugal fan for the company Prática Klimaquip. To achieve these objectives, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses will be used in the volute, using the Ansys Fluent software, which performs computational fluid dynamics analysis. A preliminary evaluation of the turbine and its influencing factors will be conducted to increase the Performance Index (PI) of the product by 20.00% compared to the current fan. Additionally, the aim is to understand the influence of each factor on the project's performance. This approach will be conducted as an applied research, involving qualitative and quantitative analyses, with the use of action research. Studies will be carried out through analyses and simulations to assess mass flow rate, required torque, and structural mass. These analyses aim to comprehend the impact of each of these factors and seek ways to increase the PI and improve the current fan's performance.

Author Biography

  • Pedro Jose Papandrea, Brasil Educação S/A

    Post-Doctorate PDJ CNPq, Ph.D. in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Itajubá and University of Tennessee (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), USA in the PDSE CAPES modality (2018). Master in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Itajubá (2013). Post-graduated in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Itajubá in Quality and Productivity (2011). Bachelor of Business Administration from the Faculty of Administration and Informatics of Santa Rita do Sapucaí (2005). Professor and consultant in Production Engineering and Business Administration. Black Belt Lean Six Sigma. Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Universidade Cidade de São Paulo (SP). Graduating in Industrial Production Management from the University of the City of São Paulo (SP).


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How to Cite

MODELAGEM E ANÁLISE FLUIDODINÂMICA DE UM VENTILADOR CENTRÍFUGO PARA FORNOS COMBINADOS: : Estudo de caso Prática Klimaquip. (2024). Journal of Open Research, 5(1), e43.