E-coat, Electrophoresis, Automotive painting, DMAICAbstract
This article addresses the automotive painting process of Electrocoating, also known as E-coat, and the application of Six Sigma and DMAIC methodologies for its continuous improvement. Electrocoating is an anticorrosive procedure that involves immersing the piece in tanks with electrically charged paint, providing corrosion protection and an attractive aesthetic appearance. The implementation of Six Sigma, combined with reliable databases, is essential to drive improvements and reduce costs in the painting process. DMAIC, a phase of Six Sigma, offers a results-oriented framework for problem identification and continuous improvement. This study identified dirt defect as a persistent challenge in the E-coat process and proposed improvement actions through DMAIC to mitigate its occurrence. It is expected that the implementation of these enhancements will enhance the quality of the automotive painting process, meet industry requirements, and ensure customer satisfaction.
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