Um estudo de caso na Prática Klimaquip



CAD, CAE, Método de Elementos Finitos, Total deformation, von-Mises


With the aim of developing a base for a refrigeration condensing unit, analyses and simulations were carried out to reduce the values of total displacement and von-Mises stress. The study focused on a support base for a spiral freezing equipment used by Prática Klimaquip company. A brief presentation of the mathematical part of the Finite Element Method was provided, followed by an analysis using the Ansys Engineering Simulation software. Subsequently, the results were analyzed in the post-processing phase. Structural simulations were conducted, and the initial objective of optimizing the base was achieved throughout the work. Several bases were developed and tested with SAE 1020, SAE 1045, and SAE 304 materials. The improvements were evident based on the tests and investigations conducted.

Author Biography

  • Pedro Jose Papandrea, Brasil Educação S/A

    Post-Doctorate PDJ CNPq, Ph.D. in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Itajubá and University of Tennessee (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), USA in the PDSE CAPES modality (2018). Master in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Itajubá (2013). Post-graduated in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Itajubá in Quality and Productivity (2011). Bachelor of Business Administration from the Faculty of Administration and Informatics of Santa Rita do Sapucaí (2005). Professor and consultant in Production Engineering and Business Administration. Black Belt Lean Six Sigma. Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Universidade Cidade de São Paulo (SP). Graduating in Industrial Production Management from the University of the City of São Paulo (SP).


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How to Cite

APLICAÇÃO DE MODELAGEM MATEMÁTICA E SIMULAÇÃO COMPUTACIONAL POR ELEMENTOS FINITOS: : Um estudo de caso na Prática Klimaquip. (2023). Journal of Open Research, 4(1), e41. https://journals.stellata.com.br/jor/article/view/41